Tucson Weekly

Craig Schumacher Could Use Your Support

Dan Gibson May 27, 2011 13:40 PM

We wrote about Wavelab owner Craig Schumacher and his battle with cancer on the blog before, but as he enters another round of chemo, he's having a rough go of it and according to an email newsletter that went out yesterday, he could use the community's support:


Thank you, everyone, for your response to the Craig vs Cancer ChipIn campaign. Your generosity has been overwhelming and I know that Craig and Karen are sincerely touched by your support.
The purpose of this email is to update the list on Craig's condition and to let you know of an additional fundraising campaign.


Craig completed his first round of chemotherapy a few weeks ago. it was pretty difficult, but he got thru it. Last week he started the next round of treatment... a combination of radiation and chemotherapy. This round is significantly more invasive and involves radiation treatments every day for six weeks. Since the treatment is directed at his throat, he was warned that eventually he would have trouble eating and would need a feeding tube. Today was that day. Unfortunately, afterward Craig passed out, hitting his head on the way to the floor. As I write this, he is having significant difficulty maintaining consciousness, so he is being admitted to the hospital.
At this point, they really need all of your good thoughts, prayers, and positive energy. If you are on Facebook, please visit the link given in the right column of this email and let Craig and Karen know that you're thinking about them. If you prefer, you may also send Craig a personal message.


(Many of you are already on the TapeOp Ezine list and may already have this information, so please forgive the duplication.)

A month or so ago I got an email from Geoff Daking. He and several manufacturers had discussed what they could do to help, put their heads together with the TapeOp staff, and came up with an Ebay auction to raise funds to help Craig get thru the cancer. The auction features products contributed from AnaMod, Daking Audio, Little Labs, Curtis Mathewson, Pendulum Audio and TransAudio Group.... very cool stuff!

The auction begins around 7pm tonight (5/26)... I'm not sure what time zone that's in, but please keep checking.
Dave Middleton at TapeOp co-ordinated the technical issues and set up this handy link, which will re-direct you to the EBay page at which all the products will be available once the auction goes live.

Big huge major thanks to everyone involved in making such a generous donation and setting up this auction.

And thanks to everyone who has contributed to this ChipIn campaign.

Friends of Craig Schumacher & Karen Lustig
Susan Bauer Lee & Tim Lee