Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The End Is Nigh

Posted By on Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 10:58 AM

The Arizona Legislature is making a big push to wrap up the session—and as far as we're concerned, the sooner the better. AZ Blue Meanie rounds up a lot of the legislative action that's still on the agenda here.

One more demonstration of how appalling this Legislature is: GOP lawmakers are saying they won't consider a one-line change to a law that would allow more federal dollars to go to out-of-work Arizonans:

Up to 20,000 Arizonans hoping for an extension of unemployment benefits are unlikely to get relief from the Legislature.

Republican leaders nearing adjournment of their regular session say there's little time left to consider legislation that would allow the benefits to continue through October, instead of their current end date in May.

Besides, some say, such an extension only encourages people to stay on the public dole.

The Arizona Republic also notes that Sen. Al Melvin, who represents the Catalina Foothills and Oro Valley, opposes the idea:

In the Senate, Commerce Committee chairman Al Melvin, R-Tucson, said it's a bad idea, even if there were ample time left in the legislative session.

"The shorter the period, the faster people go back to work," Melvin said.

Blog for Arizona's David Safier aptly describes Melvin:

What a heartless son of a bitch.