Thursday, April 14, 2011

BREAKING: Sharon Lin Once Again Vows To Not Retire To Tucson, Blames Sheriff

Posted By on Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 5:01 PM


Sharon Lin, of parts unknown, has once again warned Range readers that she will not be retiring to Tucson.

We've previously covered Lin's many threats to not move to Tucson here:

Tucson real-estate agents beware: Sharon Lin is not going to buy a house in Tucson.

The retired schoolteacher has made it clear, in a series of comments on Tucson Weekly stories that date back eight months, that she won’t be retiring to Tucson.

Lin’s most recent comment came in respose to the reelection of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and Congressman Raul Grijalva.

“Well, I certainly don't want to wake up every morning and read the news about these two while drinking my organic bird-friendly coffee,” Lin wrote. “I think I'll just visit the desert for a few weeks in the spring to catch the spring flowers and bird migration, but buy my house and just live somewhere else.”

It was the ninth time since April 10 that Lin has declared that she won’t buy a home here.

[The Sharon-Lin-Won't-Be-Retiring-To-Tucson Archives]