Thursday, March 17, 2011

Linda Ray Reporting from SXSW, Volume 1

Posted By on Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 1:40 PM

Peter Blackstock shares Howe Gelb's history of Giant Sand told via SXSW experiences. The work is published in the SXSW Scrapbook, celebrating the conference's 25th anniversary. Blackstock was given the job of archivist when the conference was founded—an appointment that was either unusually far-sighted or a grandiose jest. The scrapbook catalogs the conference's first quarter century in a way that captures its, hip, quirky and evolving character. It's worth owning just for the comprehensive lists of bands who have played here. Stick around to meet Steve Hasset as he pops in. That's SXSW for you: random and wonderful. The book is that way, too.

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