Tucson Weekly

Conservative Conference Not Quite Conservative Enough for Some

Dan Gibson Jan 24, 2011 16:16 PM


Republican South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint is opting out of an appearance at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), making him the latest Republican to the criticize what some have seen as a pro-gay tilt to the prominent conference.

"With leading conservatives organizations not participating this year, Senator DeMint will not be attending. He hopes to attend a unified CPAC next year," DeMint spokesman Wesley Denton told CNN.

Conservative groups including the Heritage Foundation, Tony Perkins' Family Research Council and Brent Bozell's Media Research Center are boycotting the event over the inclusion of GOProud, a gay conservative group. Other conservatives are upset Indiana Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels was invited to speak. Daniels called for a "truce" on social issues while the country works through its economic problems.