Monday, January 10, 2011
Obviously, with all the talk from Sheriff Dupnik and others about what blame to assign to the media after the events of Saturday, a media outlet was bound to make the rounds of Tucson's talk radio hosts and their listeners.
From the New York Times:
Phone calls poured in to stations across the AM dial to denounce Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik, who said at a news conference over the weekend that Arizona had become “the mecca for prejudice and bigotry” and that local TV and radio hosts should do some “soul-searching.” “I would say that his comments have incited stupidity around the world,” said Garret Lewis, host of The Morning Ritual on 790 AM. “People have the image now that we’re a bunch of racist bigots and there are shootouts in the streets. Again he has absolutely no proof that any of this is true.”Steve, a caller on the Jon Justice Show on 104.1 FM, said Mr. Dupnik’s statements “showed him for the buffoon he is.” Later, a called named Lee called the sheriff “a blithering idiot.” Caller after caller came up with their own colorful descriptions.
Tags: jon justice , garret lewis , knst , kvoi , the truth , tucson talk radio , tucson shooting , giffords shooting , clarence dupnik