Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Arizona Premature Birth Report Card: Grade D

Posted By on Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 9:38 AM

The March of Dimes released its 2010 report card today on premature birth rates-and Arizona got a big ol' D.

According to the press release, Arizona’s premature birth rate increased slightly from 12.7 percent in 2007 to 12.9 percent in 2008.

From of the press release:

While our state did not improve its preterm birth rate, the percentage of uninsured women dropped from the previous rate of 25.4% to 23.7%. The rate of late preterm births is 9.5% the rate of women smoking is 14.3%.

“We hope that by reducing risk factors, we will see our state’s rate of premature births improve in the future,” said Beth Mulcahy, State Director of Programs and Public Affairs, March of Dimes Arizona. “The March of Dimes supports research, local community grants, NICU Family Support programs, education projects and advocacy initiatives across the state that work to prevent preterm birth and help moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies.”

For more info on reducing risk factors visit the March of Dimes web site.

In Arizona, Prematurity Awareness Day events are happening throughout November:

Diamond Children’s at University Medical Center in Tucson presents “Lighting Up the Night,” shining pink, baby blue and purple lights on the front of UMC to symbolize hope for a healthy start for all babies. During the day UMC will showcase a NICU and provide information on the many lifesaving technologies used to treat preemie babies once they are born. The showcase will begin at 2:30 PM in the UMC dining room and the lighting will take place at 6:30 PM.