Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pima County Library Unveils New Web Site

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Posted By on Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 9:08 PM

A Chicago Fox News affiliate recently delivered a particularly stupid story questioning whether libraries were a big waste of tax dollars:

They eat up millions of your hard earned tax dollars. It's money that could be used to keep your child's school running. So with the internet and e-books, do we really need millions for libraries?

Libraries are quiet havens for the community. They take us to other worlds. They even make us laugh. But should these institutions — that date back to 1900 B.C. — be on the way out?

And reporter Anna Davlantes actually used a hidden camera to report the piece.

We're a long way from Chicago (and library officials there are defending their library system without us.) But let us say that we find the Pima County Public Library to be a great community resource. We check out a lot of books, DVDs and CDs. We browse magazines and take advantage of Consumer Reports when we're considering a major purchase. We search the catalog online, place our order with a few clicks and get an e-mail when our latest request is waiting for us on the holdshelf. In short, we love the local library.

And, to the point of this piece, we'd like to congratulate them on a newly redesigned and nifty website.

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