Tucson Weekly

Rasmussen: Seven in 10 Arizonans Support SB 1070

Jim Nintzel May 20, 2010 11:51 AM

A new Rasmussen survey shows that support for Arizona's new immigration law is growing:

Arizona voters now support the state’s new immigration law more than ever and are still more inclined to think the law will be good for the state’s economy rather than bad. A lot of voters in the state are thinking it’s payback time, too, to those cities or states that boycott Arizona.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Arizona finds that 71% now favor the immigration law, while 24% oppose it.

Despite boycotts by Los Angeles and Boston and threats from other cities, states and organizations, 47% of voters in Arizona think the new immigration law will be good for the state’s economy, up three points from late April. Thirty-five percent (35%) say it will be bad for the state, and another nine percent (9%) say it will have no impact.

We'd like to see some other firms do some numbers on this one.