Friday, April 24, 2009

Make That a Shit Taco Combo Platter: Kromko Indicted

Mark as Favorite

Posted By on Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 5:50 PM

Looks like political gadfly John Kromko has more to worry about than our mocking of him.

The Star's Erica Meltzer breaks the news this afternoon that Pima County Attorney Barbara LaWall has hit Kromko with charges of identity theft, forgery and fraudulent schemes.

The charges stem from Kromko's nominating petitions for an ill-fated campaign for the House of Representatives last year. Two dead people ended up on the list of people who signed the petitions, which is a pretty good red flag that something's amiss.

We're waiting to learn more, but from the initial sound of it, we wonder if the identity-theft charges are just piling on Kromko, a Democrat who has had a rough political streak since he gave up serving in the Arizona Legislature in the early 1990s.

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