
Snowpiercer is a two-hour treatise on income equality and global warming, set aboard the none-too-subtle metaphorical vehicle of a speeding train. But it’s also a really violent dark comedy with a show-stopping performance by the typically uncanny Tilda Swinton as a mid-level bureaucrat with evil intentions. That’s a lot to take in, and there’s no small irony that the man fighting against all this top-down socioeconomics is Chris Evans, better known to the world as Captain America. That the points in Snowpiercer actually require thought that extends beyond merely processing the plot and screenplay speaks well of director Bong Joon-Ho’s first wide release in the states. He’s able to make films about larger, even global problems, and make them exciting action films (see also: The Host from 2006). This is one of the more unique movies of the year, and one of the really good ones.

Snowpiercer is not showing in any theaters in the area.


  • Bong Joon-ho


  • Chris Evans
  • Song Kang-ho
  • Tilda Swinton
  • Jamie Bell
  • Octavia Spencer
  • John Hurt
  • Ed Harris
  • Ewen Bremner
  • Ko Asung
  • Alison Pill
  • Vlad Ivanov
  • Luke Pasqualino
  • Clark Middleton
  • Stephen Park
  • Paul Lazar


  • Jeong Tae-sung
  • Steven Nam
  • Park Chan-wook
  • Lee Tae-hun
  • Miky Lee
Image: Snowpiercer
  • A Cold Future

    Snowpiercer's speeding train makes for one of the best sci-fi flicks of the year
    by Kimberley Jones
  • Snowpiercer

    Bong Joon-ho isn’t one for staying within the lines. Since making his debut with the bleakly funny Tarantino riff Barking Dogs Never Bite, the South Korean director has delivered a terrific streak of films that remain respectful to their chosen genres—crime procedurals for Memories of Murder,
    by Andrew Wright

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