Kids Don't Need a New Science Center to See Thought-Provoking Exhibits
Regarding "The Curious Society" (Currents, Dec. 10): Joe O'Connell and the folks at Creative Machines are fantastic. Their interactive exhibits are imaginative, engaging and high-quality. The Tucson Children's Museum is proud to call Joe our friend, supporter and consultant. Any venture that allows kids to explore science in a fun way deserves consideration and would be a nice addition to what the Tucson Children's Museum offers.
While many of Joe and company's creations end up in far-flung places, you don't have to wait for a new science center to enjoy them. The Children's Museum is home to some of Joe's newest stuff. We have recently installed a super-interactive beat sequencer in our music room. The beat sequencer allows kids to create and manipulate sounds and beats as they compose their own unique brand of music.
In 2010, we will be working with Creative Machines as the Tucson Children's Museum develops an entirely new set of experiences that focus on kids, technology, play and education. And we hope to continue to partner with Joe and other local supporters to keep the Tucson Children's Museum a top family attraction.
The museum provides a wonderful place for kids and their families to explore, learn and play together. The museum will welcome its 100,000 annual visitor later this month. That is an attendance record, and one that we are very proud of. The museum has seen double-digit attendance growth every year for the past five years. We have an array of exhibits and experiences to engage kids, and we are proud of our success in downtown Tucson.
You don't have to go to Hawaii or Berlin—or wait for a new venue—to explore science and engage imaginations with kids. Come on down to the Tucson Children's Museum. Amazing stuff is happening inside.
Dev K. Sethi
President, Tucson Children's Museum Board of Directors