With The Fate of the Furious, easily the most stupidly titled installment in the Furious franchise (Yes, even more stupid than the name Tokyo Drift), you get to see the single most disgusting, stomach churning, horrifying moment in cinema so far this year.
That would be when Charlize Theron plants a big sloppy lip kiss on Vin Diesel, the visual of which being some kind of "Girl from Monster Meets the Pillsbury Dough Boy On Steroids" nightmare. Some five years ago, I made up a list of five things I never wanted to see, and that came in at number three, right under "Donald Trump as President" and "Spiders in My Scrambled Eggs Being Served to Me By a Man with Weeping Hand Sores."
Somewhere along the way, the Furious franchise went completely bonkers and became less about cars racing around and more about dudes who think hair on the top of their heads is total bullshit, and also think upper arms should be the size of a bull's torso. It also went off on some sort of international spy tangent, something that worked to a hilarious degree in Furious 7.
In The Fate of the Furious, the franchise trajectory becomes ridiculous without much fun. It's just dumb and plodding. The big thing here is that Dominic Toretto (Diesel) has gone rogue and turned on his family, which has something to do with a cyber villain named Cipher (Theron) and her crazy dreadlock extensions.
The film opens with Dominic and Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) having a good old time in Cuba where we last saw them. Dominic gets into a car race that involves his vehicle catching fire and him speaking in a growling, marble-mouthed manner. Post race, he's approached by Cipher wearing a stunning dress-down outfit involving denim shorts. Dominic takes a look at something on her cell phone, mumbles and groans a bit, and the international intrigue begins.
Cipher is after nuclear launch codes and electro magnetic pulse contraptions, and Dominic becomes her pit-bull. Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) and Deckard (Jason Statham) are eventually employed by Mr. Nobody (Kurt Russell) to go get with Dominic and see what's going on in that big Barry Bonds sized head of his.
Let it be noted that the portions of the film that involve Johnson and Statham are good, good enough to inspire thought of a spinoff film where their characters join up and solve crimes while fighting Batman, Sylvester Stallone, Godzilla, etc. A very real chance at something like that apparently got squashed because Diesel screamed "Mine, mine, mine, all mine!" and put the kibosh on it.
The biggest problem here is that things are taken a little too seriously this time out, with heavy doses of drama being ladled into the mix. The movie even makes way for Vin Diesel to have his "Denzel Washington in Glory Tear" moment, that moment where a single solitary tear rolls down the cheek while the actor does his best to remain stone-faced.
The whole premise of Dominic going rogue has zero dramatic tension to it for reasons I won't give away, but I'll just put it out there that there's little mystery behind his "traitorous" actions. Also, and this goes without saying, he mopes a lot, Diesel style.
Theron is a great actress, but her supposed computer genius Cipher is a character that stands in a room barking out commands while everybody else does the legwork. Yes, there's a scene or two where she types real fast on a keyboard, but the notion that she is a cyber terrorist goddess gets lost somewhere in those crazy dreadlocks.
The Furious franchise will go on, obviously. Hopefully, producer Diesel will remember what makes the whole thing occasional fun and shift the emphasis from him squirting tears back to cars going "Vroom, vroom!" and jumping between skyscrapers and over the Grand Canyon.
And, hey, let's keep these things around 90 minutes in the future. This one clocks in at 160 minutes. That's almost an entire other movie too long.