Friday, November 6, 2015

Roll Call: McCain Among the 10 Most Vulnerable Senators

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Posted By on Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 1:00 PM

Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick is sharing the news that Roll Call has added Arizona Sen. John McCain to the list of 10 most vulnerable senators in 2016:
McCain is entering his third decade in the Senate, but with a presidential race at the top of the ticket, Arizona will likely be targeted by national Democrats this year who would offer organizational support to drive voters to the polls.

McCain has a strong challenger in Democratic Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, who represents the only tossup district, which Mitt Romney won with 50 percent of the vote. The DSCC and EMILY’s List have both pledged to support her effort.
Roll Call still lists the seat as "leans Republican."

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