Tuesday, January 20, 2015
For the next several weeks, BBC Pop Up will be based in Tucson, Arizona, a hot, arid landscape known for desert, cacti and immigration debates. Having just left South Dakota, where the air temperature is cold enough to freeze the ears off a donkey (-2F last I checked), it'll be a much needed change.
We're very excited about this stop. About 50% of those we speak to on the telephone from Tucson warn us about a gem festival that will "pinch the city".Alright, fellow "Arizonaians." We'll see how this goes.
I'm still not entirely sure what they're speaking about, but from what I've gathered a large rock convention is taking place downtown in a week or so. It's expected to draw hundreds of thousands of geology experts, jewellers and hobbyists.
Other events, happenings and sites we've heard about include an airplane graveyard that houses thousands of decaying planes, the OK Corral and professional bicycling trails.
Tags: BBC Pop Up , we're not all cowboys , basically none of us are cowboys , Video