Monday, July 9, 2012

Zachary's Pizza Is Closing

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Posted By on Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 9:08 AM

From the Zacharys Pizza Facebook page
  • From the Zachary's Pizza Facebook page

This is the saddest Tucson food news I've ever announced, but the world must know: Zachary's Pizza at 1028 E. Sixth St. is closing at the end of the month. An employee verified the closure when I called to check what I hoped was just a rumor.

I once took a man with a fatal disease to Zachary's. His illness had left him with no appetite, yet he ate almost two of the place's enormous slices. The pizza is that good. I've spent anniversaries there, made long-time friends there and consumed my body weight many times over in beer and pizza there over the years.

It's sad when just about any restaurant closes - even if the food leaves something to be desired, restaurant people work hard, long hours to feed us - but this one really stings. Thanks for all the great times Zachary's, and I'll be seeing you a lot over the next three weeks.

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