Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Police Report: Martha Vazquez Banned From Tucson Mall, Park Place After Alleged Shoplifting

Posted By on Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 12:46 PM

According to a Tucson Police Department report filed Saturday, Feb. 11, Martha Vazquez was cited for shoplifting at the Dillard's in the Tucson Mall after a security guard saw her on a surveillance camera conceal a $338 Eileen Fisher jacket in a sweater she wore to the department store.

When the security guard went through her belongings, he also found a pair of $30 Kenneth Cole earrings she hadn't purchased.

Read the report for yourself right here: Martha_Vazquez_Police_Report.pdf

It appears the incident cost Vazquez her job as 4 p.m. news anchor at KVOA Channel 4. In the police report, Vazquez told the cop she understood her rights. She said didn't intend to steal the jacket and earrings at first, "but I did and I have no excuses for it." Then she admitted she could have purchased them with her credit card.

Vazquez was released, and was told she's no longer allowed back at Dillard's, as well as Tucson and Park Place malls.

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