Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Palin Can Afford a Giant Bus, But Not The Fuel To Drive It

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Posted By on Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 9:18 AM

That new, $1.7 million dollar Scottsdale home may have really put a dent in Sarah Palin pocketbook!

Palin, who dined with Donald Trump last night, told Fox News (which pays her $1 million annually) that high gas prices might cause her to cut back on the buscapade she's currently on.

Talking Points Memo reports:

In an interview that aired last night with fellow Fox News employee Greta Van Susteren, Palin said that there are a few reasons she's refusing to give the media a schedule of where her bus is headed next.

"There's different reasons why we are not going to broadcast it to the whole world. One is security issues. Another is if the price of gas climbs much higher — right Todd — we are not going to be able to go too far," Palin said.

"In fact, one of the decals on the bus says 'Drill, Baby, Drill' over the gas tank to remind people when you are playing close to $5 a gallon you can't go too far in a rig like this," Palin said.

Yes, ordinary people: Sarah Palin feels your pain about high gas prices. That's why she's burning so much of it on your behalf.

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