Tuesday, June 29, 2010

CD8: Citizens United Endorses Jesse Kelly

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Posted By on Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 10:43 AM

Conservative political group Citizens United has endorsed Republican Jesse Kelly, one of five Republicans in the race to unseat Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Congressional District 8:

From the Kelly campaign:

The momentum in the AZ 8 Republican primary continues to grow for Jesse Kelly. Citizens United Political Victory Fund has just endorsed Kelly in the CD 8 primary in Southern Arizona.

It is telling that Jesse Kelly continues to win debates and major conservative endorsements over the establishment candidate, Jonathan Paton.

Kelly stated, “The voters are wising up to the fact that I am the conservative in this election and that my main primary challenger is just another run of the mill, career politician/lobbyist. Primary voters realize an establishment candidate does not have a chance this year in the general, and they are

gravitating to our campaign. It is an honor to have Citizens United recognize what is happening on the ground in District 8.”

Citizens United is one of America's leading conservative organizations. They fought and won a major free speech case before the Supreme Court over their film Hillary: The Movie. They are also leaders in the battle to reduce the size of government, lower taxes, cut spending, promote traditional values, and to keep America safe.

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