Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Video: Man Attempts to Eat Two 12-Patty Burgers

Posted By on Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 9:17 AM

Man v. Food doesn't have anything on Chad Rowland.

Ever since the Travel Network's food challenge show came to Lindy's on Fourth last year, everyone's been trying the hamburger place's marquee challenge: Eat the 12-patty, 3-pound OMFG hamburger in 20 minutes or less, something Man v. Food host Adam Richman couldn't do.

The Weekly caught up with Rowland last Thursday as he attempted another OMFG feat: to eat two of the behemoth burgers in less than 20 minutes.

Spoiler alert: He managed to break his own 4-minute, single-burger record by a couple of seconds, but couldn't finish the second burger. Still, eating that much in one go deserves a couple videos on TucsonWeeklyTV.

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